What is it?

The Lady Shot offers women a revolution to sexual enhancement. The nonsurgical treatment uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) derived from your own blood to stimulate the growth of new cells in your vagina walls and clitoris. The PRP growth factors increase your number of cells in the area, promoting sensitivity and stimulation. 

PRP also increases the blood flow to your vagina, which improves your sex drive and orgasm. The Lady Shot can also reduce issues with painful intercourse and urinary incontinence.

Before your procedure, your doctor takes a blood sample from you, puts it in a centrifuge to isolate the PRP, and extracts it to prepare for your injection.

Your provider then applies a numbing cream to your clitoris, labia, and G-spot to make sure you feel no pain during the injections. The procedure only takes about two minutes and offers dramatic results, lasting up to a year or longer.




What is it?

If you struggle with erectile dysfunction (ED), or if you just want to enhance the strength and size or your erection, then The Bro Shot can help. This shot uses PRP to rejuvenate the aged and damaged tissues in your penis. 

The therapy offers a natural, effective solution to help you overcome ED. It also treats Peyronie’s disease that causes a curvature of the penis.

Once your PRP has been prepared and put into syringes, your medical professional numbs the targeted area of your penis with numbing cream and a local anesthetic and then puts 4-5 PRP injections into the penile shaft. The procedure only takes a few minutes, and you can experience its sexual benefits after your treatment on the same day.

